Questions tagged [mysticism-kabbalah]

Kabbalah is the mystical teachings in Judaism that are mainly based on the Zohar (traditionally attributed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai) and then later elaborated upon by others such as Rabbis Isaac Luria and Israel Baal Shem.

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What are the 7 kefullot in Tanya ch 3

BH What are the 7 keffulot mentioned in Tanya ch 3 page?
David 's user avatar
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Kippot in kabbalah and chasiduss

Is there a Kabbalistic or Hasidic meaning on the wearing of a Kippah/yarmulke? I understand it’s more a Minhag than a technical Halacha but I wanted to know if there is a mystical perspective on this. ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is it forbidden to depict the tzimtzum in art?

I genuinely am having trouble finding the answer to this. The Zohar has imagery to describe the tzimtzum. E.g. the very start of Bereshit with the Lamp of Darkness. See also Parashat Bo The imagery ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Where do memories come from?

BH Where do Memories come from? I was told that they come from the chochma power of the soul being translated in Bina I believe. Is this true if yes how and where does it talk more about this?
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Is the soul eager to enter this world?

Is it brought down anywhere that before birth, the soul yearns to be brought into a physical body, and be in this world, and if yes, how do we reconcile that with what it is taught that the soul is ...
שלום's user avatar
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Reincarnation of the soul of the person that got hurt

I have heard and do not remember the source that a person who hurt another person willfully and intentionally in this world will have his soul reincarnated and will have to go through this world to ...
Avi's user avatar
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Kabbalistic meaning of incense

I was curious if there is a Kabbalistic or Hasidic meaning to incense, not just the incense of the Tabernacle but incense in general. I believe Breslov Hasidism place a great emphasis on hitbodedut, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is the significance of repeating certain pasukim?

During various parts of davening, we repeat certain pasukim, be it three or more times. What is the explanation for this practice? For example: the beginning of Mincha and Maariv, during Kriyas Shema ...
ezra's user avatar
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Can an entire group undergo gilgul (basically: collective reincarnation) at the same time?

There are some ideas which propose that an entire group can have their souls linked to each other, and undergo collective reincarnation. I am looking for whether there are Jewish sources that speak of ...
setszu's user avatar
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Ger chassidus teachings

Does the community know what defines Ger chasiduss ideologically and Hashkafically? Is there an English translated sefarim or article that explains the basics of the Hasidic dynasty’s teachings?
Kirk's user avatar
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כף הקלע while alive?

I saw this in the Piasezno Rebbe's Hachsharat Avrechim: וכבר אמרו חז״ל [בר״ר פל״ד] הצדיקים לבן ברשותן ולהיפך ח״ו, הם ברשות לבן. ובזה תלוי הכל, מי שלגמרי הוא ברשות לבו ואינו יכול להתגבר גם על תאוותיו ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Meaning of "Atarah" in Sefer HaKana Chapter 45

Sefer HaKana contains the following excerpt (selected from Chapter 45, Paragraph 8). Hebrew text is from Sefaria, translation is myself and my chavrusa, parentheses are our commentary and translation ...
Benyamin's user avatar
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Pesukim corresponding to years

Just heard that apparently there’s 5845 pesukim in the Torah, and the Vilna gaon used to say that each pasuk corresponds to its corresponding year. So the first pasuk is somehow related to the events ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Angels laughing when you look up

Apparently it says in Sefer HaChassidim that when you daven looking up at the ceiling, the angels are laughing at you. Anyone have any idea what this means exactly?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Hasidic methodology and Halacha

Generally speaking, what is the Hasidic approach to making halachic rulings, and how does it in general differ from the Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox methodologies. I understand the Alter Rebbe of ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Dor Daim and Halacha

Do the Dor Daim (generally Yemenite Jewish people who deny the divine origin of kabbalah), have any halacha differently from the rest of the Orthodox Jewish world? I understand that they also ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is the kelipa of America?

I understand nations have a kelipa attached to them, and, further, that these transfer over time (e.g. Russia is said to have the kelipot of both Greece and Edom). What is the particular blend of ...
lu ha's user avatar
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Is it possible to enter Adam Kadmon and retain your individuality?

The Breslov Center has Pirkei Avos in English with commentary from Rabbi Noson and Rabbi Nachman. In the very first section it says the whole purpose of this world is to enable us to make a Yechida ...
James Read's user avatar
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What was the original Torah based on?

B”H There’s halacha that every Sofer who is writing a Torah must write it “based” on another Kosher Torah, by reading each word, saying it out loud from the other Torah, then writing it. When it comes ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Why does Gevurah seem to be represented by 'פ' (or 'ט') in Cordavero's acronym of the sefirot in Pardes Ramonim?

Why does Gevurah seem to be represented by 'פ' in Cordavero's acronym of the sefirot in Pardes Ramonim? The best I can think of is 'פְּסַק דִין'? Eight others are literal, but Yesod seems to be צ via ...
Dan's user avatar
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Four Minim in Kaballah

In my Siddur it says in the 'Yehi Ratzon' before the Netilat Lulav, that by combining the 4 Minim I ask Hashem to combine the 4 letters of his holy name. Does anybody know, which Min corrsponds to ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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How to understand the Union of Zeir Anpin and Malchut in Assiya

BH I understand the world goes through a process of Seder hishtalshelut. So how to understand the union of ZA and Malchut in the world of Assiya? And how does this happen through the Tzimtzum?
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What are the first sources of Tzimtzum

BH What’s the first sources that speak about Tzimtzum? Someone told me that it talks about this in Sefer Yetzirah. If so, where?
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Does using different Divine names in prayer have practical consequences and effects?

It is well known that there are different names for G-d, blessed be He, even shown in the Torah itself, where different references to Him emphasize different relations and attributes. Having said that,...
setszu's user avatar
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If Hebrew was the target language, what was the source language in any of the Psalm in which “maskil” is mentioned?

If Hebrew was the target language, what was the source language in any of the Psalms in which “maskil” is mentioned? Rashi on Psalms 88:1 wrote: משכיל: כל מקום שנאמר משכיל ע"י תורגמן נאמר שהיה ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Repository of the Mittler Rebbe's teachings translation

BH Does anyone known a place of the Mittler Rebbe's works translated to English especially his commentary on Tanach?
David 's user avatar
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Transmission of Kabbalah - what happened after Shlomo Hamelech?

According to Brit Menucha, the chain of transmission of Kabbalah from Adam to Shlomo ends with his sons putting the knowledge in the geniza of the Beit Hamikdash. After that, there seem to be 2 ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Name of G-d changing

Is there a Source for the statement that when Mashiach comes the Name of G-d will no longer be יהוה but יהיה ?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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How can a name exist before anything was Created

BH I heard “before the world was created it was the Holy one blessed be He and His Great Name alone” עד שלא נברא העולם, היה הקדוש ברוך הוא ושמו הגדול בלבד Source How can a name exist before ...
David 's user avatar
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What is the origin of the Bible code theory?

What is now known as gematria has been practiced since the earliest days of the Hebrew alphabet. The 22 (a significant number in itself) letters were used to record not just linguistic but also ...
ardentMirage's user avatar
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I Heard the world gets holier on holy days how does this work with Binyan HaMalchut

BH I heard in a class on Kuntrus Umayan discourse 18 from a teacher that the whole world gets holier on holy days and that for example on Yomkipur Malchut of Azilut rises to Dikna of Arich Anpin while ...
David 's user avatar
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Differences between the mysticism of Rav Kook and the Sabbatean heretic Nathan of Gaza

As I am not a Kabbalist I may be misunderstanding some of the terminologies but having recently read a work by Rav Kook zt"l regarding the Souls of the World of Chaos I noted that the overall ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What is the difference between the 5 Gevurot and 5 Chassadim [closed]

I hear these concepts in Chassidus. What is the difference between the 5 Gevurot and 5 Chassadim?
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How does one actually use kabbalistic kavanot during prayer?

My question is concerning the issue of the kabbalistic kavanot and yichudim which are present in the various Kabbalistic siddurim available on the market. There are numerous such siddurim available ...
DejanR's user avatar
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What is "the twice-uttered (double-spoken) Name of Names"?

In S. Ansky's 1916 play The Dybbuk — or at least in this English translation (from the Yiddish) by Fernando Peñalosa — there are two mentions in Act I of a "twice-uttered name of God": ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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(Re)Sources on regaining spirituality and comprehension of Torah after sin

The Ramak writes that when one sins, the sin will serve as a shell (kelipah) that will prevent one from comprehending the esoteric part of Torah. In the book of Tikkunim they stated explicitly that ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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What does it mean to "cleave to the letters" during prayer or Torah study?

In the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, it talks about "cleaving to the letters" during prayer or Torah study. It has to do with the Hebrew letters and a special way of visualizing or ...
DejanR's user avatar
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Does anyone know this Zohar term used in the Shemiras HaLashon?

There’s a phrase in the Sefer Shemiras HaLashon by the Chofetz Chaim that I can’t seem to recall or find. It was a term from Kabbalah that, if I recall correctly, spoke about the punishment for a soul ...
user's user avatar
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How does one remove a curse and/or a magical spell that's been placed upon a person/land/lineage/etc? What is the process like?

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch in סימן קסו - שלא לנחש לעונן ולכשף says that one can go to a non-Jew if they are suffering from an ailment caused by magic, which means that there must be a way to rid ...
setszu's user avatar
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Reasons behind Prohibition on Mystical Speculation? [duplicate]

Mishnah Chagiga provides limitations on mystical inquiry, e.g., that the merkabah literature should not be attempted alone or by an unwise student. The tale of the four sages who glimpsed paradise, ...
Unaffiliated Research's user avatar
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The metaphysical essence of the non-jewish person [duplicate]

In the first chapter of the Tanya, the Alter Rebbe says that the Nefesh Behemitof a Jew comes from the Klipat Noga while the Nefesh Behemit of a Non-Jew comes from the unclean Klipot which contain no ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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How does forgiving others affect us [duplicate]

If we forgive others does this mean God forgives us when we sin in a way we can’t rectify or often don’t rectify the issue?
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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Are quarks and atoms an observable physical manifestation of the Dvar Havaya that is keeping the universe in existence?

המחדש בטובו בכל יום תמיד מעשה בראשית In His goodness, He renews the work of creation every day, continuously As explained by the Baal Shem Tov and cited by the Baal Hatanya in Book 2, Ch. 1 of the ...
larry909's user avatar
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Does the soul of a child have relation to the souls of their parents? How does the pre-creation of souls impact the parent-child soul relation?

When parents have a child, is the soul of the child related to the soul of their parents? Some mystical teachings say that a soul is composed of multiple components. From this, I think that it might ...
setszu's user avatar
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Transferring Holy Sparks

In Kaballah, there is the idea that we lift holy Sparks back to their source by utilizing the material world in the way, G-d wants it to be utilized. I have heard that holy sparks can also be ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Were any books (prior to 1240 CE) teaching תֶּרַח Terach was reincarnated into אִיוֹב Iyov (as described by Zohar, Zera Barekh & Simchat HaRegel)?

Were any books (prior to 1240 CE) teaching תֶּרַח Terach was reincarnated into אִיוֹב Iyov (as described by Zohar, Zera Barekh & Simchat HaRegel)?
חִידָה's user avatar
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What is the relationship between the Etz Chaim and the Shmoneh Shaarim?

I have seen the teachings of the Ari Zal described and cited to both the "Etz Chaim" and the "Shmoneh Shearim." I have seen these for sale as separate books, (e.g., a set of Etz ...
Avraham's user avatar
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What is the translation of דורמיטא? (Dormita)

What is the translation of דורמיטא? (Dormita) Is this something from the realms of kabbalah? When I searched Sefaria here, I found it mentioned many times in the context of Kabbalah, but I still don't ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Is there a Biurei Zohar online of the Mittler Rebbe

Does anyone know if there is a Biurei Zohar Copy online of the Mittler Rebbe?
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What does it mean umelubashot be Col Reqieem

In Shaar Yichud ch1 of Tanya he says תיבות ואותיות אלו הן נצבות ועומדות לעולם בתוך רקיע השמים ומלובשות בתוך כל הרקיעים What does it mean umelubashot beToch kol HarekiIm what specifically is clothed ...
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