Questions tagged [medicine]

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Should I make a bracha on spice infused nasal spray?

My otolaryngologist (a.k.a. - ENT) uses a mint infused nasal spray to lubricate my nose. I once asked him to show me the spray bottle and the ingredients includes peppermint. Similarly, one of my ...
DanF's user avatar
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Taking a pill on Yom Kippur

What factors go into determining the permissibility of taking a pill on Yom Kippur when there is no chance the patient will die if they fail to take the pill for 25 hours? The case here is not one of ...
Yishai's user avatar
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In a non-life-threatening emergency, can a female doctor do a hospital procedure on a male or vice versa?

Surgery usually requires viewing parts of a naked person. Are there halachic problems with a doctor of opposite gender doing this on a Jewish patient? If the procedure is one where part of the body ...
DanF's user avatar
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Resuscitation of Aged Nursing Home Patients

Recently, there was a story about an 87-year-old woman who suffered a heart attack in a nursing home. The nursing home called 911 and the dispatcher begged the nurse to do CPR on the patient until the ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Postmortem organ donation in halacha

I know we generally accord respect to our dead, which includes not mangling their bodies. On the other hand, obviously saving lives is more important than, well, almost anything, including respect for ...
msh210's user avatar
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What medical condition was this "epilepsy that causes mental instability at all times"?

Rambam's Laws of Testimony 9:8 (written about 800 years ago) describe disqualification for testimony (eidut) due to mental instability. He writes: The epileptic is disqualified when having a ...
Shalom's user avatar
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When one is diagnosed with a terminal disease, is refusing treatment a form of suicide or acceptable considering the circumstances?

People are diagnosed with terminal illnesses on a regular basis. Many times a person refuses to undergo treatment because they don't wish to experience the pain and exhaustion that would entail. While ...
Michael's user avatar
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Unclean due to an organ transplant, in the context of the rebuilt temple

This question pertains to a related question. Leviticus 7:20-21 says: כ וְהַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר-תֹּאכַל בָּשָׂר, מִזֶּבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים אֲשֶׁר לַיהוָה, וְטֻמְאָתוֹ, עָלָיו--וְנִכְרְתָה הַנֶּפֶשׁ הַהִוא,...
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Halachic status of sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is an intermediate state between sleep and awakeness in which a person experiences temporary paralysis. Would this state be considered sleep, awakeness, or its own unique category for ...
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responsibility for passing on a virus (medical)

Would one be obligated to pay any of the five types of damages paid upon wounding someone, if they were to infect that someone with a viral/bacterial disease, whether through: Peshia (negligence)? ...
Yaakov Pinsky's user avatar
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Fasting for Medical Recovery

Yesterday, a request was publicized in the name of R' Chaim Kanievsky to accept a fast in the afternoon to fast today for the medical recovery of R' Y.S. Elyashiv, unless it interferes with one's ...
YDK's user avatar
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ADD and kavana in tefilla [duplicate]

I want to davven- but my mind goes elsewhere. Any advice for girls/women like me with ADD? Can I talk to Hashem straight? although I know the meaning of the words and am fluent in reading I cant ...
user13827's user avatar
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Can you schedule elective surgery for Motza'ei Shabbat, even if a 24-hour fast is required beforehand?

Some operations require fasting an entire day. I understand that one is not allowed to fast on Shabbat (except on Yom Kippur.) The scenario: Let's say a patient needs has had knee osteoarthritis. It ...
DanF's user avatar
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Do any halachot change for a eunuch?

Do any halachot change if a man becomes (or is born) a eunuch? For example is he rabbinically allowed to listen to a woman's singing voice or be exposed to other sexually stimulating things if he is ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is a doctor halachically required to inform you about side effects related to the meds that he prescribes you?

Information about a prescribed drug's side effects is usually in an insert of the drug's packaging. Much of the information is not easily understood to an average patient. (OK, I'm a bit "above ...
DanF's user avatar
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May I intentionally generate saliva on Yom Kippur

By swishing my tongue around my mouth, I can trick my glands into exuding saliva. I can then swallow this and trick my body into thinking it has drank. Is this saliva Nolad for the purpose of Shabbos ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Nebulizer on Yom Kippur

Is someone who suffers from asthma and needs to use a nebulizer to make it easier for them to breath (not pekuach nefesh) allowed to use it on Yom Kippur? (In a way of course that it'll be turned on ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Is there a scientific basis for the claim that the 3rd day from the circumcision is the most painful and dangerous? [duplicate]

Is there a scientific basis for the claim that the third day from the day of a circumcision is the most painful and dangerous? In Mishana (shabbath 19,3) מרחיצין את הקטן בין לפני המילה ובין לאחר ...
The Glacier's user avatar
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Is there an obligation to reattach a severed body part?

If a part of a person's body is severed for whatever reason, is there an obligation on the person who lost it to reattach it?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Medicines v. Spices on Shabbos

Medicines are forbidden on shabbos for the non-critically ill because in the old days, they had to be ground with a pestle beforehand. Must not spices also be ground? How come spices are not also ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Is a Cohen Allowed to Perform CPR?

CPR is performed when the heart has stopped but the brain is still alive. We have a general rule that a Cohen is not allowed to come in contact with a dead body. If so, does this mean that a Kohen ...
yydl's user avatar
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Should you say a blessing on diet soda used to swallow a pill?

The halacha is that you should only say a bracha on water if you're thirsty. All the seforim I've read agree on the following: if you're not thirsty, but you drink water in order to swallow a pill, ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Can a surgeon operate on his father

Suppose I am a surgeon, and I am renowned for doing a certain type of operation. If my father is in need of that operation, is there a heter for me to operate on him or is there still the prohibition ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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Is it proper to daven for someone who has "no hope"?

If someone has a sickness that by current medical knowledge is terminal and has no chance of being cured, is it proper to daven for that person to get better? Might this be considered a tefilas shav ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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children's Tylenol on Pesach

This year, Rabbi Bess's list of non-chametz products doesn't AFAICT include any kosher-for-Pesach children's analgesic/fever reducer (acetaminophen/paracetamol) (except one that includes also ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is the pain from the brit milah most severe at the 3rd day after it?

I had heard possibly a Midrash that says that the pain of the brit milah (circumcision) is most severe 3 days after the procedure. I hunted through some of the commentaries in Mikra'ot Gedolot. First ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there a way to minimize soreness or getting a lip blister from blowing the shofar?

Each year after I blow the shofar on Rosh Hashannah, the area on my lip at the right corner of my mouth where the shofar had rested gets very sore and sometimes I get a small blister which is a bit ...
DanF's user avatar
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The Seder & diabetes

Those that suffer from type 2 diabetes are told to limit their intake of carbohydrates. This is normally doable. However comes the Seder night, with 4 cups of wine and significant Matza intake one is ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Rambam’s view on sleep applying nowadays?

The Rambam states that when falling asleep, one should start off sleeping on his left side, and then switch to the right eventually, and then just rotate between those two positions for the entire ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Should one say "Asher Yatzar" when giving a urine sample?

Should one say "Asher Yatzar" when giving a urine sample? This is assuming that the sample is "forced" and not when the person normally goes to the bathroom. He is urinating specifically for the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why do the best of doctors go to Gehinnom according to the Maharsha?

Says the final Mishnah in Kiddushin 82a: טוב שברופאים לגיהנם The best of doctors go to Gehinnom If your name is followed by MD, you may leave now. The Maharsha is puzzled by why this should ...
DonielF's user avatar
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How does Judaism treat depression?

Other than through music are there any recommendations in Tanach, the gemarah or other commentators which discuss the best ways, meaning most likely to succeed, to treat depression?
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Sources on the Halachic status of creating three parent child

See here for the background. The basic idea is that the DNA is taken from the mother and father, but rather than traditional IVF, the nucleus is implanted in a donor egg. So there is no male donor ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Is Some One With Alzheimer's Obligated in Mitzvoth?

My grandmother has pretty progressed Alzheimer's disease. I have seen throughout the Oral Tradition the concept of a person with certain medical conditions, such as a deaf mute, or a person who lacks ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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Can two siamese twins be separated by killing one if that one would die anyway and the other would live

In two Simaese twins where the first will definitely die soon, whereas the second has a chance of life if the first stops being a 'drain' him. Like if there is only one heart. Can one kill the first ...
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Is a man obligated to seek a medical remedy to fulfill onah?

If a husband is physically incapable or performing onah (the obligation for a husband to sexually satisfy his wife as outlined in Shulchan Aruch Even Ha'Ezer 76)due to an inability to have an erection ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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What type of doctor is referred to in Breishit 50:2?

Breishit (Gen.) 50:2 uses the term רופאים, which I translate as "doctors". However, within this context, these doctors are embalming Jacob's body. They are not performing the task of healing someone ...
DanF's user avatar
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Medicine before davening

Suppose the doctor prescribes some medicine (consumed orally) that is supposed to be taken "first thing in the morning." It would still be effective if you waited until after davening to take it, but ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Baldness in Judaism

There seem to be many aspects of hair that are thought to reflect a person's spiritual attributes in Judaism. Examples I can think of off the top of my head include the kabbalistic benifits that some ...
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May one have augmentative cosmetic surgery?

I realize much of the discussion on plastic surgery can be found in the answers to this question. However, the actual question was only addressing nose surgery. I would like to to know: If there are ...
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Why would I have thought that healing contradicts the will of Hashem?

Bava Kamma 85a: תניא דבי ר' ישמעאל אומר (שמות כא, יט) ורפא ירפא מכאן שניתן רשות לרופא לרפאות It is taught in a Braisa: The academy of R’ Yishmael says: “Heal, he will heal” - from here [we learn] ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Is one obligated in a promise to do an issur made pekuach nefesh?

Chaim has an exotic disease for which the only possible cure is an experimental drug. The drug company will permit him to enter the study as long as he agrees that if he dies, he releases his body for ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Is the idea that there is always at least one illness with an unknown cure - a Jewish idea?

I have heard many times that there will always be at least one illness that is uncurable. Is this a Jewish idea? What is its source?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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How can heart transplants be permitted?

Are there authorities who hold that a stopped heart constitutes halachic death, but yet permit heart transplants? Stopping and taking out the recipient's heart would seem to be technically considered ...
user9806's user avatar
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Under what conditions may a newly married couple go on birth control?

Which halachic conditions may allow a couple to go on birth control upon getting married? Is the desire to work on building a solid relationship between man and wife before starting a family a valid ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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What is the bracha for a petroleum-derived product?

Suppose I am taking an antidepressant medication, and my research indicates that it is produced by a complex synthesis beginning with the substances propionic acid and benzene. As an antidepressant, ...
sigil's user avatar
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Kosher nicotine replacement therapy?

I've tried to quit nicotine cold turkey and find it difficult. Are there any replacement therapies -- such as nicotine gum or lozenges -- that are kosher? Aside from possible kashrut issues, are ...
Sam's user avatar
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On Pesach, to which side does someone with situs inversus lean?

Situs inversus is a condition where the body’s internal organs are reversed, apparently including the esophagus and the trachea. Therefore, on Pesach, would a Jew with this condition lean on his ...
QwertyCTRL.'s user avatar
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A medicinal drink turning into a pleasure drink mid-guzzle

I am not, to my knowledge, thirsty, but I need to take a pill with water, so I do so without a beracha (see Shulchan Aruch OC 204:7). As I swallow the pill, I realise that I am enjoying the water, and ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Doctors losing their licence/ r'shut beit din

Various sources refer to doctors acting with the permission of the beit din; some suggest that this is a mandatory requirement and that it is forbidden to practice medicine without such permission (eg ...
Zarka's user avatar
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