Questions tagged [marriage]

marriage, marrying, the state of being married; more specific tags are `wedding` and `intermarriage`

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Amon and Moav today

The Halacha is that a Jewish woman may not marry a convert of Amon and Moav. Is there any way to know who is a descendant of Amon and Moav today?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Why don't people ever get married via a shtar kiddushin?

The Mishnah on Kiddushin 2a lists 3 ways a woman can be mekudeshet (betrothed): via money, via the act of intercourse, via a shtar (document). Now I understand 2 of the acquisition methods: ✅ money-...
alicht's user avatar
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Did Moses marry twice?

Did Moses marry a second time? Maybe his first wife died or maybe we don't know for sure? I am wondering if the wife that Miriam and Aaron complained about in parshas Beha'alosecha (Bamidbar 12:1) ...
Shona's user avatar
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Do both the Chatan and kallah need to be present in order to say sheva brachot?

Whether it be two or seven blessings, do both the bride and groom need be present for sheva brachos?
Kal's user avatar
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Honey on Hallah for Newlyweds?

A friend stumped me with this question: What is the earliest reference to the custom of having newlyweds dip their hallah in honey? My guess is that it's an extension from the custom of honey on Rosh ...
Noam Sienna's user avatar
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Interpreting Song of Songs

Is there any rabbinic commentary/interpretation on Shir HaShirim (the Song of Songs) that emphasizes the holiness of love between a man and a woman? At least from what I've encountered along the ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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Sheva Berachot at third meal

If sheva brachot occur at a seudah shlishit which finishes after sunset, is one allowed to drink the wine even though it is prior to making havdala? If yes, who specifically would be allowed to drink ...
Sam's user avatar
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What is the source for בית נאמן בישראל for newly married couples?

A common wish for couples about to be or just married couples is "May they build a בית נאמן בישראל". My translation (may be off, somewhat) is "An established house among (the people) of Israel." What ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can marooned Jewish couple marry in G-d's eyes alone and start a family?

Supposing there are a Jewish man and woman who are the only survivors of a crash landing near a deserted island, and their respective families have written them off for dead. Over time as they ...
Andrew Jonathan's user avatar
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Was Rabbi Akiva exempt from his conjugal duties?

The Gemara (in Kesubos 63a) says, “When Rabbi Akiva returned, he brought twelve thousand students with him. As he approached his home, he heard a certain old man saying to [his wife], ‘Until when will ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why does Rashi pair a Tzaddik with a Tzanuah and not a Tzadeikes?

The Gemara in Sotah 2a discusses that although a first marriage is predetermined, a second marriage is according to one’s status at the time (summary based on conclusion of Gemara there). Rashi there ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why is the kesuba not written in a native language?

The kesuba (marriage contract) is written in a smattering of Hebrew with Aramaic thrown in. It is possible that onr or both parties may not know what all the words in the kesuba mean. Furthermore it ...
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Name of adoptive father in the Ketubah

I know that an adoptive parents is considered as a real parent. But normally the adoptive parents raises the child from a very young age, in this case it is different. A Jewish father bring up his son ...
haim's user avatar
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Why does God appear to Avraham about Sarah’s laughter?

In Bereshis (Perek 18) why would God appear to Avraham regarding Sarah’s laughter and not appear to Sarah herself? Isn’t one’s relationship with God personal, not necessarily involving one’s spouse? ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Can convert siblings marry each other?

I understand that there's a concept of גר כקטן שנולד דמי (not sure I got the words 100% right) - that a convert (ger) to Judaism is halachically considered to have no family. If that is the case, ...
yydl's user avatar
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Kiddushin 'Al Tnai and the effect of Nissuin

I just read a comment online asking, in a particular 'Agunah situation, why there was not an agreement before the wedding to allow a rabbinical court to a annul the marriage. Is this a legitimate ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Why use "Kiddushin" instead of biblical "Erusin"?

Why did the Sages see a need of inventing a new word "Kiddushin" e.g Masechet Kiddushin 46a - שצריכה הימנו קידושין , instead of the biblical Hebrew word "Erusin" used everywhere in ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Would looking away help a Cohen stay married to his wife?

I read recently about a Jewish woman raped in France at home in front of her husband. If Chas VeChalilah a wife of a Cohen is raped, they have to get divorced. Would it be advisable for an ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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What does לְפִי כְּבוֹדוֹ (according to his honor) mean? how is it calculated?

In shulchan aruch even ezer a few times (64.4, 89.1, 94.5) the amount of financial responsibility/obligation is based on the husband's/groom's or wife's/bride's level of "respect", and in yorah daiya ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Getting married at 18

The Mishna in Avos says that one should get married at 18 , is there a reason for this particular age ?
sye81397's user avatar
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Should the groom say what the ketuba says he says? If not, are the witnesses that sign it lying?

Should the groom SAY the statement in the kesuba to his bride on the day the kesuba is being written? the statement in the kesuba On the day .... the bridegroom ... said to this [...] daughter of [...
hazoriz's user avatar
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requirement for Chabad shluchim to be married?

I heard that Chabad instituted a requirement for shluchim to be married because Zalman Schachter-Shalomi went off the derech. Is this historically accurate, and are Chabad shluchim required to be ...
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Language of a ketubah for marriage

Can I write a ketubah in English or possibly in Hebrew? Or must it be in Aramaic? The problem is that my friends and I do not speak Aramaic any longer. Our Babylonian-Jewish ancestors did, but we ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Can a witness at Kiddushin have had committed inconsequential crimes?

I remember hearing in the name of Rav Moshe Feinstein that a criminal who-- by normal and objective standards-- should be invalidated from testifying can still be considered a Kosher witness if his ...
user3814413's user avatar
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If someone is halachically dead and then resuscitated, does his wife need a get to be divorced (is she already a widow)? [duplicate]

If someone is considered halichically dead (apparently this is somewhat of a dispute), and then he is "brought back" through modern day medical techniques, does his wife need a get to be divorced, or ...
Fei23's user avatar
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Does anyone hold you can make a stipulation on Nisuin

There's a parsha of T'nai (stipulation), that applies to various kinyanim, halachic changes in status. The third chapter of Kiddushin has many cases of tenai when it comes to Kiddushin. I'm wondering ...
robev's user avatar
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Are non-Orthodox marriages recognized by Orthodox rabbis?

Let's suppose a couple was married by a Reform rabbi in a standard reform ceremony (with egalitarian ketubah, and many other modifications to traditional kiddushin). If the couple later become baalei ...
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Source why ביאה is not an option for שליח קידושין

This might sound a bit silly, but "that's the Torah and I need to learn it" (R"A). A woman can be Mekudeshet in three ways which Halachah-wise are all equal (neither makes a better Kiddushin). A ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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How often should one have marital intercourse with his wife?

What is the frequency of marital intercourse prescribed by Halacha? I am confused as the Talmud in Ketubot 62a says that for men of independent means it is every day. But the Rambam in Mishneh ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Are cholim obligated to please their wives?

To me it is clear that if (G-d forbid) a person is sick to the point that it will kill them, or that (G-d forbid) they will get their wife sick, there's obviously no obligation to please their wife (...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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May a man marry the women with whom he committed adultery?

A single man commits adultery with a married woman. Later the woman divorces her husband, and wishes to marry the single man with whom she had the meretricious relationship. Is this allowed?
david barnett's user avatar
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Correct translation Hebrew to English Joel 1:8

Can someone help me translate the following verse (Joel 1:8). I have very limited hebrew but i would like to know the word used in hebrew. The word maiden / virgin. (Almah / Betulah) ח. אֱלִי ...
Binyamin's user avatar
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For those who hold that David sinned, how was he allowed to ever marry Bat Sheba?

I might be erring here, but IIRC adulterers can't ever be married. For those who hold that David did sin, how was he allowed to marry Bat Sheba?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Source that you can't tell your wife not to lend to others

Although I heard in a shiur that there is a gemara which says a husband is not allowed to tell his wife not to lend to others since she would eventually develop a bad name, I can't find it - are there ...
NJM's user avatar
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Will marriages continue when mashiach comes?

If you are married to a girl and mashaich comes, wil you be married to her in the world to come or you start all over?!?
Carrot monster's user avatar
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Custom of groom stepping on bride's foot?

I have seen some Orthodox weddings in which the groom steps on the bride's foot. What is the source for this strange custom?
Brian Conway's user avatar
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5 answers

Aside from the Mitzvah "to be fruitful and multiply" why else should a Jewish person want to get married?

What does the Torah say regarding the reasons that one should get married? I am looking for sources such as "ein simcha beli isha" and other philosophical intrinsic reasons for finding a mate.
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Hypothetical, what should a wife do if she discovers her husband is uncircumcised?

Circumcision is an integral part of Judaism. That being said, there really isn't an "inspection" to verify someone is circumcised. Unless the individual is a convert, there isn't a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Chuppah, Kiddushin in ברכת אירוסין

Why do we say על ידי חופה וקידושין, mentioning chuppah first when kiddushin takes place before chuppah (nisuin)?
TorahKnowledgeSeeker's user avatar
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Getting back together with a girlfriend after she has dated other guys?

Suppose a young Jewish couple, Bob and Jane dated, and had sex. (Yes, I realize premarital sex isn't ideal under orthodox Judaism, but I am interested in the halachic and spiritual implications given ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Can one do Nisuyin through a shliach?

One can do Kiddushin through a Shliach. Can one do Nisuyin through a Shliach? Can one acquire a room and have the Shliach bring the bride into it?
ertert3terte's user avatar
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what are the prerequisites for getting married?

What are the prerequisites for getting married according to halachah in terms of income and job security?
Dude's user avatar
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How common are Levirate marriages today?

Under Jewish law, if a woman's husband dies without giving her a child, the brother of the deceased husband has an obligation to give his wife a child. In the event that they don't wish to go through ...
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Getting Married With Different Customs

B'H I'm getting married in a few months and my fiancée waits 3 hours between meat and milk and I wait 6. In general, does a wife take on all the customs of her husband? In my example, would she have ...
Doronsky85's user avatar
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Are there any recent statistics showing the "marriage longevity" rate for shidduch arranged marriages?

There has been a "local" campaign in my neighborhood, recently, suggesting that young singles should only use shidduchim (matchmakers) when seeking to become married. Part of the "ad" campaign ...
DanF's user avatar
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What happens if a Jewish king marries a 19th wife?

The mishna on Sanhedrin 21a teaches us that a king may not have more than 18 wives, and this is also codified by The Rambam (Hilchos Malachim 3:2): לֹא יַרְבֶּה לוֹ נָשִׁים. מִפִּי הַשְּׁמוּעָה ...
alicht's user avatar
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Ceremony to take a woman as a concubine (pilegesh)?

This question sparked a lively discussion and debate on this rather sensitive issue. One piece of the original question was: What ceremony / ritual must be performed (if any) to formally ...
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6 votes
5 answers

Sheva Brachos at a Bris

If a Chosson & Kallah during the first week they got married attended a Bris, should the assembled recite Sheva Brachos after Bentching?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
6 votes
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Engagement Rings

Do engagement rings have anything to do with Judaism?
yydl's user avatar
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Why do we say Harei At Mekudeshes Li ... "k'Das Moshe v'Yisrael"?

Why do we have this "k'Das Moshe v'Yisrael" addendum? To my knowledge we don't really say this by other mitzvos so why do we say it here/ what's it adding?
alicht's user avatar
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