Questions tagged [loud-quiet]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Saying Baruch Sheim out loud on a bracha

Inspired by this question. We know (Pesachim 56b) that Baruch Sheim, at least according to one explanation, is a tefillah Moshe heard from the Malachim. Thus, we only say it out loud when we're on ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Volume of "Barukh Shem Kevod", Relative to "Shema Yisrael"

When reciting the Shema, the prevalent custom is to say the first line ("shema yisrael... echad") out loud, and the following line ("barukh shem kevod...") in a whisper. This custom can be sourced in ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Equal volume when doing birkat kohanim with a microphone

I attended a musical davening this week, and to accommodate the large crowd, the chazzan wore a microphone. The kohanim however did not. The result of this was that the chazzan's voice ended up much ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Quality of Sh'ma repeated in its proper time

Often, I find myself at a ma'ariv minyan that meets before "nightfall" and someone invariably makes the announcement that we should all remember to repeat the sh'ma after tzeit hakochavim. I ...
rosends's user avatar
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saying boruch shem out loud on Yom Kippur but not immediately after?

The entire Yom Kippur we say the "boruch shem" after "shema" out loud, contrary to the normal whispered tone, because we are compared to angels on this day. The question is, when Yom Kippur first ...
trying's user avatar
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Playing music in the car with the windows open

Shmuel is playing music in car. He decides to crank up the volume and opens his windows so that rest of society can hear the music. Is this forbidden, halachically? Even if it is permitted, is there ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar