Questions tagged [kavod]

Questions pertaining to the Jewish concept of honour - כבוד (Kavod)

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12 votes
2 answers

Should parents honor their children?

What responsibility do parents have to their children vis a vis Kavod? General Kavod HaBerioth? Some level of relational Kavod like spouses have or like children have to their parents, only to a ...
Seth J's user avatar
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11 votes
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Can you have a trash bin in shul?

Over Shabbos, the Shul in which I davened had a trash bin towards the back. This caused me to realize that I do not think that I have ever seen another permanent Shul sanctuary which had a garbage ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
10 votes
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Why honor someone who teaches one thing? Say dayo lihyos k'Achisofel!

In פרק קנין תורה (read as though it were the sixth chapter of Avos during the annual, repeated reading of Avos), we have: הלא דברים קל וחומר ומה דוד מלך ישראל שלא למד מאחיתופל אלא שני דברים בלבד קראו ...
msh210's user avatar
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Correcting one's father or one's rav when he is leyning

The Shulchan Arukh (YD 240:2) rules that one is never allowed to contradict one's father in his presence, and that when it comes to one's rav (or one's father if he is a Torah scholar; YD 242:1-2), ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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9 votes
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Honouring an older person

What sources are there for showing respect and honour to an old person who is not necessarily a talmid chochom or a parent?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it disrespectful to have a raffle where the prize is a Sefer Torah?

I recently came across an advertorial on regarding a Shul that is having a raffle where one can win a Sefer Torah. The first comment was: "Is it just me or is using a Sefer ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
8 votes
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Must tashmish at night be under a blanket?

From here it seems that relations by day must be under a blanket (e.g. a tallis). But, at night, is it necessary that the couple be covered, or is this a chumra (i.e. stringency)? What if there are ...
SAH's user avatar
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8 votes
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Throwing things out "respectfully"

I have heard many times that when something used for or somehow related to a mitzvah cannot or will not be used again, it should be thrown out "respectfully". What exactly constitutes throwing out ...
2345678876543's user avatar
7 votes
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Siddur & chumash -- which gets stacked on top?

I've seen this one asked over and over again, and always heard different things. Do you stack a chumash on top of a siddur, or the other way around?
Shalom's user avatar
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Can Sforim be used as a shtender?

Is it ok to place the sefer that you're learning from slanted on top of another sefer/sforim - sort of like a shtender or is is this considered to be a zilzul (disrespectful) to the sforim?
Danield's user avatar
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How Many Stones to Place on a Grave?

When visiting a gravesite, my Jewish relatives always place small stones on the gravestone as a showing of respect for the dead. They typically place one stone on the gravestone, but I find myself ...
atk's user avatar
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What to wear when being oleh l'regel?

Chazal (berachos 54a and 62b) tell us that one cannot come in to the Temple with a walking stick or shoes. The gemara (ibid) explains that wearing shoes is a sign of disrespect for the holiness of the ...
prophecy's user avatar
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Tircha D'Tzibbur vs. Kavod Hatorah - which wins?

It's hard for me to properly phrase the question, but here's the "ma'aseh shehaya" (scenario): It was Shabbat Rosh Hodesh, parshat Balak, I believe. They took out 2 Sifrei Torah. I waited for the ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is meant by "congregational honor" regarding disallowing women reading the Torah publically?

The Talmud Bavli (Megillah 23a) says that while, if a woman read from the Torah it counts towards the required 7 aliyot, the chachamim disallowed it because of kavod hatzibbur - the respect for the ...
DanF's user avatar
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What is Kabbalos Pnei Rabo?

There is an obligation to visit ones Rebbe on holidays (see here for details) However the mitzvah or obligation that we know of, what does this mean exactly? Is it enough if I "see" my Rebbe even if ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Can one stand a child in an aron kodesh in order for the child to kiss the sifrei torah?

Can you place (stand) a 2 year old child on a shelf in an Aron Kodesh which is on the same level as the Sifrei Torah in order for the child to look at and kiss the Sifrei Torah?
stan's user avatar
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What does לְפִי כְּבוֹדוֹ (according to his honor) mean? how is it calculated?

In shulchan aruch even ezer a few times (64.4, 89.1, 94.5) the amount of financial responsibility/obligation is based on the husband's/groom's or wife's/bride's level of "respect", and in yorah daiya ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Is the Sefer standing upright or downright upside down

A sefer has a cover that when the cover of the sefer is standing upright the contents of the sefer are upside down. Which way would be the correct way to keep the sefer. It may be כבוד הספר to store ...
Avraham Yakov Silverstein's user avatar
7 votes
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How was Dovid HaMelech allowed to tolerate Shimmi ben Geira?

Shimmi ben Geira cursed Dovid HaMelech as he was running away from Avshalom. Dovid HaMelech commanded that he be left alone as "Hashem put the words in his mouth". However, the Gemara (Yoma 22b) ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Is a female Torah scholar accorded the same honors as a male?

Would a woman who is as learned in Torah as a male Rosh Yeshiva or talmud scholar be accorded the same honors such as standing up for them or, in the case of an outstanding scholar reciting the ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
6 votes
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Kiddush BeRov 'Am

Does BeRov 'Am Hadrath Melech (the King's glory is in the multitudes, ie., the more people praise HaShem together, the more glorious it is for Him) apply to making Kiddush? I've heard it said so ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Is a child obligated to honor his foster parents?

Is a child obligated to honor his foster parents? Does it matter if the child cannot locate his biological parents?
DanF's user avatar
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Honor of old people vs. honor of parents

Who has precedence in honor: A father or an old person? It seems that the answer would be a father; (*) however, there is a midrash that implies otherwise: Yalkut Shimoni, end of Bemidbar 752 ...
b a's user avatar
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How would the Ramchal's standards for joking about Torah apply to Purim Torah?

The PTIJ posts (and Purim Torah in general) seem to make a mockery of the Torah. Is there something I'm missing? Is there some Halacha or words of Razal that allow this? I am looking at this question ...
zunior's user avatar
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Why do we greatly honor the Davidic line of kings?

I have trouble understanding why we greatly honor the Davidic line of kings, why we pray for the restoration of the dynasty. Taking as examples the last six major kings of the Davidic line, they ...
Mick's user avatar
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Why did Israeli sportsmen keep their hats on during their national anthem?

Last year I was at the international softball tournament and I noticed that players from Israel took off their baseball caps during the other teams anthems (as is common courtesy), but kept them ...
jpesout's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is there a feminine equivalent of Zt"l? [duplicate]

Inspired by this question, I am wondering: Is zt"l -- זצ“ל, zatzal = zecher tzadik livracha "May the memory of this tzaddik be a blessing" -- ever used for tzadkaniyot, righteous females? Or else is ...
SAH's user avatar
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Can a yeshiva principal force students to tattle on other students

In a certain yeshiva the menahel was threatening bochurim to tell on other bochurim about who damaged something in the yeshiva. Is it against the laws of Loshon hora to tell? What about in other ...
Moshe Goldberg's user avatar
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What are the parameters of kavod ha'brios?

When I was younger I was told that in extenuating circumstances one can rip toilet paper on shabbos (preferably not on the perforations) due to kavod ha'brios. This concept is applied in other places ...
none's user avatar
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Why do we honor Gedalia, who was condemned for murder, with a fast day?

Gedaliah was informed that Yishmael ben Nesania was going to try to kill him. He ignored this, thinking it a lie (Yirmiyahu 40:16). Because of this mistake, the Torah (Yirmiyahu 41:9) attributes ...
Mischa Nezkee's user avatar
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Referring to parent in third person

I have seen some homes where the children refer to the parent in third person as a sign of respect (Would Abba like to...). I'm curious to know if this practice is brought down in any sefer and if in ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
5 votes
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Kabbalos pnei rabo (visiting one's rabbi) on Yom Tov

That which it says in the Gemorah (Rosh Hashana 16b) that one has a obligation of "kabbalos pnei rabo" (to go see ones rebbe) on holidays - when is the obligation? Is there an obligation every day, or ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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2 answers

Siddur on top of Tehilim?

Between a siddur (prayer book) and Tehilim (or other book of Nach), which should go on top? also, is there a distinction between printed or handwritten?
ray's user avatar
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Rollerblading on shabbas?

What's the halachic problems if any to rollerblade on shabbas? Do we compare it to biking (Kaf Hachaim assurs it)? Are there any contemporary tshuvos which discuss this? I have heard two problems if ...
sam's user avatar
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Under what conditions must one rise for his parents?

Is it enough to rise when a parent enters the building or must you rise every time he/she enters your room or passes by your room. I am interested to know customs for both sefardim and Ashkenazim as ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Blessing: who gets first?

A father who wants to bless his family, whom should he bless first? His wife? His oldest son? His oldest child? The oldest among his sons, daughters, sons-in-law, and daughters-in-law? The cohanim? ...
juanora's user avatar
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Heter to decorate the shul in a humorous way in Adar?

I am bias here, I was raised to treat a beit k'neset (shul) with utmost respect; not to use the sanctuary as a shortcut, avoid mundane discussions there etc. I now live in a community which festively ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
4 votes
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BS"D in the bathroom

I noticed my shampoo says בס״ד on the bottle. Is having it in the bathroom, etc., a problem? (My guess is no, or else they wouldn't put it on there, but still.) Related: Dr. Bronner's soap
SAH's user avatar
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Does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue

According to Halacha, does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue? The reason I ask is because it is sort of a designated area for prayer but does this have halachic implications ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What should be done with yahrzeit candle jars?

I have seen people save them. I, too, am reluctant to throw them away. Are there laws or standard custom(s) for what is or should be done with the empty jars from yahrzeit candles? We shouldn't need ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is the mitzvah to honor the bechor d'oraisa or d'raban?

I see in the answer to this question that the mitzvah to honor one's mother and father includes an obligation to honor one's oldest brother. This idea is originally referenced in Ketubot 103a. Is this ...
Ze'ev's user avatar
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Do we stand up for a man or the Torah he learned?

The halacha (SA YD 244:1) is that one should stand up out of respect for a talmid chacham. I remember hearing a comment (possibly in the name of the Brisker Rov) that one is really standing up for ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Standing up for an older person or Talmid Chacham who is already sitting down

When an older person or Talmid Chacham walks into a place where you are sitting, you must stand up for them (or least "rise" a little from one's seat.) - see Yoreh Deah 244:1. If someone was ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Placing a notebook on top of sefarim

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (28:9) writes: לא ישרטט איזה קונטרס על הספר, לפי שאין קדושה בקונטרס, עד שיכתבו בו You should not draw lines on notebook [while] on [a holy] book, because the notebook is not ...
user avatar
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Halachic restrictions on Sefarim shelves

If memory serves me correctly, I believe Jonathan Rosenblum cites in his biography of Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky a story where Rav Yaakov complained that someone had placed a sefer on an arm of a bench ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Saying Hashem's name quickly in Hallel on Sukkos

During Hallel on Sukkos, we shake the lulav during the הודו לה' כי טוב and אנא ה' הושיעה נא. The standard practice I've seen is the one the Mishna Berurah describes there - one direction per word in ...
Heshy's user avatar
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R' Mordochai Benet's re-interment

Wikipedia notes that R' Mordochai Benet, the Mähren Landesrabbiner (Chief Rabbi of Moravia) notes that was temporarily interred in Lichtenberg prior to being re-interred in Nikolsburg, according to ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
3 votes
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Is half standing for mitzvot that require standing sufficient?

I am aware of this question asked about zimun, but my question is on mitzvot that require standing up. If one is in a squat position (not fully standing) or leaning over a shtender, is that sufficient ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
3 votes
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Connection Between Liver & Honor?

Seeing that lashon hakodesh allows for analyzing the connection between similar rooted words, what is the connection between liver (כבד) and honor (כבוד)?
NJM's user avatar
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Writing notes and highlighting in the Tanakh

Is taking notes and highlighting in a Hebrew/English Tanakh considered defacing the text?
Yosef Camire's user avatar