Questions tagged [kashrut-kosher]

Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כשרות or כַּשְׁרוּת) is the set of Jewish dietary laws.

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Why does steam impart dairy or meat status onto a cover?

Steam is a separate category as aroma in hilchot Kashrus. The former, if hot, contacts a pot cover, that cover would take on the dairy or meat status of the food below it. However, when water is ...
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Is a signature on a stapled bag with the restaurant’s bill considered enough of a seal for meat? [closed]

If one were to order delivery and the bag were stapled with the restaurant’s official receipt stapled to the bag and there was also a signature (albeit somewhat illegible) along the opening of the bag,...
Fei23's user avatar
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Why is Bee Honey Kosher? [duplicate]

Honey is formed when a bee mixes enzymes in its own body with nectar from flowers to form honey. Since honey is thus a byproduct of a non-kosher animal, how could it be Kosher while for example, camel ...
Brayden Kohler's user avatar
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Gifting a kosher product one wouldn't eat or drink

Can a Jew give his Jewish friend a product which is kosher m'ikar hadin if the person giving it would not eat or drink it himself? The product could be e.g., kosher meat which is not glatt, scotch ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Is a hashgacha required for freshly squeezed orange juice?

Does freshly squeezed orange juice require a hashgacha? (ex: the freshly squeezed orange juice at Whole Foods)
Aryeh's user avatar
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Under what conditions is baking powder kosher [closed]

I'm a Jew from Iran. I want to know if baking powder is kosher without any certificate since they don't exist in Iran. Generally baking powder include TARTARIC ACID.
Moshiach's user avatar
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Case Study: Kashrut of Tapioca Starch

I have heard different answers from representatives of the cRc and the Star-K regarding the kashrut of un-certified tapioca starch. While both agree that it requires a hechsher for Pessach, the Star-K ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Hard Boiled Eggs: does meat or dairy flavor penetrate shell? [duplicate]

I tried searching this but got a lot of results about cooking three eggs in one pot checking for blood spots at cetera. Suppose that you hard boil some eggs in a pot that is normally used to cook ...
MAF's user avatar
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In modern Judaism, do they still make Menorah Stamps for the purpose of Marking Kosher Bread?

I just found this article, and I thought it was cool: The link says that during the Byzantine Era in Horbat Uza, Jewish bakers of ...
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Does the prohibition of Gid Hanashe apply to human flesh?

Regardless of how one holds re: "Is human flesh a kosher food?" (ie if Yes= legitimate question, if No= additional issur)- Would the prohibition of Gid Hanashe apply to human flesh?
alicht's user avatar
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Does double wrapping food work for non-kosher food?

I have read several articles stating that one may double wrap food and place it into a non-kosher oven. I haven't read anything regarding the "opposite situation". Lets say one has verified that an ...
DanF's user avatar
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Matcha Tea Inquiry

Does ground matcha need a hechsher? I know certain items, such as tea, when they are only one ingredient do not require a hechsher. Is ground matcha included in this?
yael's user avatar
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Can a genetically modified pig be kosher, if gestated in a kosher animal? [duplicate]

This answer says that a pig that was genetically modified to chew it's cud would not be kosher if gestated in a pig. For clarification, would it be kosher if it was gestated in a cow or other kosher ...
Antheloth's user avatar
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Does anybody recognize this kashrus symbol? Rectangle K US

As the title says, does anybody know this kosher symbol? It looks like a large K with the letters U and S on top and bottom of it, inside of a rectangle. The product brand is Super Cakes, subsidiary ...
Slavvio's user avatar
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Milk & Meat Tradition

At what point in Jewish history did waiting 6 hours between milk and meat become the uniform approach in most communities (or in some places 1 hour or 3 hours)? Prior to communities adopting uniform ...
Mordechai ben Yosef's user avatar
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Reverse Osmosis Water machine -- possible kosher issues?

There’s a machine at a local store near me that has a reverse osmosis water machine. I don't think there is a hecsher on the machine, but it's just water. Is there any possible kosher issues with it, ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Can Pao de Queijo, and similar foods, be kosher for Passover?

We're planning an "alternative" Passover, and are looking into some nontraditional foods that could be kosher for Passover. One that came up in discussion was Pao de Queijo, or Brazillan cheese ...
FuzzyChef's user avatar
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During Temple times, who can butcher a kosher animal?

During the Temple Times, for the purpose of consumption, can any Jew butcher a kosher animal or must the animal be butchered by a Cohen or a Levi? I would appreciate a rabbinical source. I just ...
ninamag's user avatar
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What's the halachik classification as to why Dolphins aren't kosher? [duplicate]

What's the halachik classification as to why Dolphins aren't kosher? Is it because: Dolphins are like a fish they live in the ocean and thus the Torah considers them a fish and they don't have fins ...
alicht's user avatar
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Frequency of inspection at vegan restaurants

Does a vegan restaurant require a permanent mashgiach on the premises to be certified kosher? For large factories that get a hechsher, supervision is limited to sporadic surprise inspections. (No ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Drop-shipping Non Kosher Food Products?

I own a drop-shipping business where I sell both food and non food products. As a drop shipper I do not keep the products I sell in stock. Instead, when I sell a product I purchase the item from a ...
Alan Cook's user avatar
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If a Jew was in a dire situation and had to eat the flesh of a pig, would they be required to kill the pig through Shechita?

This question is with regards to the limits of Pikuach Nefesh in a life or death scenario. Jewish law states that we have the ability to break the rules during situations where lives are in the ...
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Why is there a prohibition of gevinat aku"m?

I vaguely recall that Talmud Avodah Zarah mentions a prohibition of eating gevinat akum - cheese manufactured by an idol worshipper (as I understand this definition.) If there already was a ...
DanF's user avatar
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If the Dodo bird had a tradition of being kosher & was resurrected, would it be OK to eat again?

Came across an article titled "Could scientists resurrect the dodo bird?" and it made me wonder: suppose there was a mesorah that the Dodo bird was kosher before it went extinct in 1681. If we in ...
alicht's user avatar
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Why might frozen potatoes require a hechsher?

The CRC says frozen potatoes require a hechsher (even though many frozen veggies do not). The Scroll K says frozen potatoes do not require a hechsher. Why might frozen potatoes require a hechsher?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Does swallowing a whole creature fall under Evar Min Hachai?

Following the deleted question: "swallowing-permitted-species-alive", If one swallows a small fish or a bird or a Kosher grasshopper whole and alive, does he transgress Evar Min Hachai? If yes how ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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May one purchase smoothies anywhere?

What do sources say about purchasing smoothies at places with no kosher certification? Would this be allowed?
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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Why is a Shechitah Knife termed a Chalaf?

In the Diaspora the Shechitah knife is termed "Chalef". What is the origin of this word? When was this word first used and where was this first first used?
Avi M's user avatar
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For a person who doesn't eat dairy are there any halachic or health issues with using a meaty pot to cook all food and drink?

If someone never eats dairy (and won't be sharing with people who do), is there any halachic problem with using a meaty pot to cook all their food? Would the same apply to someone who eats meat, but ...
Nosson's user avatar
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Does boiling lettuce remove insects?

If one were to submerge lettuce in a pot of boiling water, cover the pot with a lid, let the lettuce boil for a minute and then discard the water; would doing so remove all the bugs?
Nosson's user avatar
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Why only "Basar" Shenitaleim?

The concern of basar shenitaleim is that, somehow, kosher meat, unguarded and not recognizable, could be replaced with non-kosher meat. However, chicken, fish, milk and cheeses, and even vegetables ...
rosends's user avatar
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What's worse: eating a cheeseburger or eating pork?

Both eating a non-kosher cheeseburger and pork are assur, but suppose one is stuck on a desert island and has only these two options (the bun has already been eaten). What should one do? Is eating ...
alicht's user avatar
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Checking strawberries with a magnifying glass

Most resources mention some type of process of rinsing with detergent etc. Can I just use a magnifying glass in order to see a potential bug? Also, why do the resources say to use soap or detergent.....
Meuchedet's user avatar
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bracha on unflavoured seltzer if one's not thirsty

It's well known that a bracha isn't made on plain, unflavoured water if one isn't [that] thirsty, the question is: what about plain seltzer (e.g. refreshe from Vons)? Is the addition of the bubbley ...
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Halachic difference between a medicine and a supplement?

Dietary supplements are a huge industry right now. Many people are taking a variety of vitamins, nutrients, and herbs in the same way they would take a prescription from a doctor. The problem with ...
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Can Jews buy commercial challah at Whole Foods?

I know Whole Foods supermarkets have challah bread. I am not Jewish. But I once bought challah bread at Whole Foods and ate the whole bread in one sitting. It tasted like . . . bread. I am aware that ...
Double U's user avatar
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Can open kosher condiments (e.g., ketchup) found in a rented apartment be used?

Let's say you rent an apartment and find open kosher condiments like ketchup in the fridge, can they be used?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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Is fruit sold in bulk at the store kosher?

At some supermarkets / stores, there is a "bulk fruit" section. I'm not talking about selecting fresh fruit off of the shelf or "fruit island" as is seen in some stores, like where ...
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Are crayons allowed?

If a non-toxic (but also non-food) wax crayon is known/suspected to contain both meat (e.g. stearic acid; see e.g. here) and milk (e.g. dairy-derived palmitic acid), may one use it or does it qualify ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Non-toxic crayon bliyoth

Would a non-toxic, non-food substance, such as crayons, intentionally melted in a pan render it unkosher? Does it matter if the crayons are known/suspected to contain both milk and meat (e.g. tallow/...
Loewian's user avatar
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Why are shellfish not kosher? [closed]

I have tried to read up and understand why shell fish aren't kosher, but the reasoning for scales/fins seems to be able to apply to shellfish as well. Is there any logical explanation?
Luple's user avatar
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Is a convert considered a real Jew if not keeping kosher? [duplicate]

If a person converts to Judaism is he/she considered a real Jew if he/she doesn’t keep kosher? I’m concerned because my mother converted properly and in accordance with Jewish law, but she never ...
V.Sherman's user avatar
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Eating treif b'shogeg [duplicate]

If I ate a hamburger that I thought was kosher and after I finished it I found out it was not kosher, where does that leave me halachikly speaking. I know in Mishnah Torah it says (Blessings 1:19) ...
S. Rosenbaum's user avatar
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Is unsupervised commercial kosher food OK? [duplicate]

Say a Jew starts selling food commercially. He keeps strict kosher, but does not buy kosher supervision to keep his prices down. His customers are his many friends, who know him well and trust him, ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What blessing does one make on non-kosher food? [duplicate]

Is a blessing made on non-kosher food that one is normally forbidden (אסור) to eat when one is in an exceptional circumstance? (like for example, starving and without other food) The food becomes ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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If one makes a bracha on something not Kosher should he eat it to avoid saying G-d's name in vain or not?

If one makes a bracha on something not Kosher (meat and milk,chicken and milk, pork…) should he eat it to avoid saying G-d's name in vain or not?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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Would Noahides be required to eat kosher meat?

Would Noahides be required to eat kosher meat because one of the Noahide laws is not to eat blood? Since non-kosher meat isn't soaked and salted to get the blood out, wouldn't that by default ...
Ramban's user avatar
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When can kashrut certification be withheld?

In today's news (11 Dec 2018): "Rabbis from the Vaad HaRabanim of Flatbush, which grants kosher certification, threatened to pull their supervision of the Garden of Eat In and Orchidea if [a certain]...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Can a Jew use a knife that belongs to a non-Jew?

I know there's a whole thing about a Jew being allowed to use the kli of a non-Jew without tevilah, but I don't know the extent of that allowance. I was part of a conversation on facebook where ...
FrumFromBaaleiTeshuva's user avatar
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Are "kif kef" bars chalav Yisroel?

Specifically, I am looking at Israeli Kif Kef bars - the ones sold in the States. Presumably they are identical to the ones from Israel. See picture. The hechture is Bedatz.
user3485864's user avatar

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