Questions tagged [intent-accident-purposely]

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Donating Tzedaka and Nodrei Lev

You've received a fundraising call from a local frum institution and agree to donate $100. The individual on the phone directs you to the donation site to fill out the forms. After you get off the ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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Doctor's mistake and homicide

The mishnah in Makkos (beginning of 2nd chapter) teaches that if the person inadvertently killed someone through performing a mitzvah, the murder is exempt from the punishment of exile, which I ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Is not protesting tantamount to intentionally doing something -- ramifications

If a Jew sees another Jew about to do an aveira (chas veshalom), and knows that if he speaks in a certain way to protest the action, the other Jew might listen to him, but doesn't do so, is he liable ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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What degree of punishment is assigned to one who wants to commit a sin, but is only stopped by the lack of an opportunity?

For instance, if one thought of murdering a certain someone, but the only thing stopping him was the lack of an opportunity, would he be liable to a punishment equal to that of a murderer, or ...
Echad-Ani-Yodeya's user avatar
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Contract Law and Intentions

If two parties write a contract with two clauses A and B, such that if the conditions of the first clause A, are not fulfilled then the contract defaults to the second clause B, and both parties have ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
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Pretending in kiyum hamitzvot

When a woman (or, if need be, a man) lights candles for Shabbat, she covers her eyes before making the bracha to "pretend" that the candles aren't lit yet because we generally say the bracha before ...
rosends's user avatar
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Does the observance of Shabbat require kavannah?

I am trying to understand what it means to "keep shabbat" completely. It appears that there are two general components, Shamor (refraining from the forbidden behaviors -- negative) and Zachor (...
rosends's user avatar
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If a Shabbos Goy was found to be Jewish, who is Chaiv?

There was an actual מעשה that I heard from someone, in which a Shabbos goy was found to be Jewish, Hashem Yishmor! My שאילה is, do we say that the Shabbos goy or the person designating the Shabbos goy ...
Shteigg101's user avatar