Questions tagged [injury]

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21 votes
5 answers

Getting body piercings

The Torah prohibits, generally, the infliction of a wound on yourself or someone else. See Lev. 19:28. The obvious exception is the commandment to perform a bris millah (circumcision) on a male ...
Bruce James's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a halacha that prohibits punching or slapping someone?

I assume there must be a law against causing a person very mild physical injury, but I don't know what it is. 1) If the injury may cause enduring harm--like punching someone with the risk of ...
SAH's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How does one wrap tefillin with a cast?

If I had a cast on my tefillin arm, how would I wrap tefillin? Would I only do the shel rosh? Or switch hands? (Assuming this is a full-arm cast.)
NS23's user avatar
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