Questions tagged [gebrochts]

Gebrochts is a Yiddish term for matzah that has absorbed liquid. Some have the custom not to eat it on Pesach.

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11 votes
6 answers

Chabad custom of not allowing water to touch matzah on Pesach

What is the origin of this custom? This must be fairly recent and "Lubavitch-specific", because my grandparents, who were very observant, always had matzah ball soup and fried matzah with eggs for ...
Dima's user avatar
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Source for the minhag of 'gebrokts' [duplicate]

There is a not-uncommon minhag, primarily in chassidic circles called 'gebrokts' where matza is not allowed to come into contact with water during Pesach. What is the earliest source for this custom ...
Yaakov Kuperman's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is one allowed to make Kneidlach when the last day of Pesach is Shabbos?

According to those who eat Gebrotz only on the last day of Pesach, is one allowed to make Mazta balls when the last day of Pesach is Shabbos? On a normal year, one can cook and eat Gebrotz on the ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can leftover shmurah matzot from one year be used the following year?

I had this discussion with a fellow shul member. He has a box of shmurah matzot that he left in the closet from last year. When he opened it up, recently he noticed that they were stale. He says that ...
DanF's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Muktzeh Because its assur for me

The question is for food on Yom Kippur, or Gebrokts or Kitnyos on Pesach (for those that do not eat them), are they Muktzeh?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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3 answers

Do people who don't eat gebrokts have any reason to say "Borei Minei Mezonot" during Pesach?

This may sound like a trivial question, but I'm curious. Many Chasidim do not eat gebrokts during Pesach. So all the Pesach cakes are made from potato starch which makes them shehakol. And they only ...
DanF's user avatar
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1 answer

Extent of Gebroks

For those who have the minhag not to eat Gebroks on Pesach, how about dipping into undiluted fruit juices, which do not cause leavening? And what about dipping in water and eating it right away, ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why eat gebrochts on the 8th day?

Apparently, among those who don't eat gebrochts during Pesach, the custom is to specifically eat it on the 8th day. From
Scimonster's user avatar
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2 answers

Cream cheese on matza - gebrochts

What are the halachic or minhag issues in eating matza with spreads like cream cheese? Many people have written in various posts that they keep gebrochts and put, for example, cream cheese on matza.
user9240's user avatar
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2 answers

"Shmubrokhts" - Gebrokhts vs. Shmurah matzot during the week

While shopping in my local store last year during Hol Hamo'ed, I saw a brand of cakes called "shmubrokhts". Being curious about this interesting name, I realized that this was essentially gebrokhts ...
DanF's user avatar
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May Passover matzoh be made from durum wheat flour and then reground as meal for Italian pasta?

Italian pasta is generally made from durum wheat (semolina) flour. Wheat is one of the grains from which Passover matzoh can be made. Normally matzoh is baked at high heat from flour and water only, ...
eternalsquire's user avatar
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2 answers

Gebrocht: how does an old person eat matza on seder night

If someone (e.g old people) can't eat a kzais (about 20 grams according to volume) of matza on seder night (within the required amount of time of about 4-9 min) because its too dry, then one usually ...
user15464's user avatar
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Does one need to worry about feeding his pet gebrokhts or kitniyot on Pesach? [duplicate]

I thought I had seen just about every unusual Pesach food item, but, it seems that each year, some other idea comes out. I just saw this in my neighborhood store. Ashkenazim don't eat kitniyot and ...
DanF's user avatar
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