Questions tagged [chazzan-prayer-leader]

Questions about the person who leads Jewish prayers when a minyan is present.

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Shaliach tzibur who publically transgresses a Biblical commandment

Can one lechatchila appoint a shaliach tzibur who is known to publicly transgress a biblical prohibition? What if there is/isn't another person who can lead the prayers instead? Sources please.
Sp1's user avatar
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Davening together with the shliach tzibbur on Rosh HaShanah

On Rosh HaShanah one was not able to daven the quiet Shemoneh Esrei with the tzibbur. Now he wants to daven together with the Shliach Tzibbur (in order that it should be considered "tefillah b'tzibbur"...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Following minhagim when praying in a different community?

Say you go to a minyan of a different community than your own, how should you behave? When being hazan do you use their pronunciation or yours? Do you pray your nusach or theirs? Do you put on talit ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Sources and reasoning for variant chazzan timings in Kedusha

In various siddurim, I have seen two different instructions for when the chazzan should say the central lines of Kedusha ("Kadosh ...," "Baruch ...," and "Yimloch ..."): Along with the congregation (...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Chazzan finishing last phrase of paragraph [duplicate]

Who decided where to put that indicator in printed siddurim that you see in every paragraph of davening that indicates to the chazzan where to start to read out loud to finish the paragraph, and why ...
sam's user avatar
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13 votes
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why does the chazzan stand for the entire davening?

From what I have seen, other than tachanun (nefilat apayim) the chazzan stands for the entire davening. Why is this so? Why not sit for things like krias shema?
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Which is the height considered 3 tefachim for not "praying in height"? (30cm?)

Recently we had to make a synagogue for one day at a hall, and we used a scaffold for the Shaliach tzibbur to be well heard by all the public. The Scaffold was 1m x 1.5m, and I don't remember the ...
iair's user avatar
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Kedusha after Tefila

Today, in our Shul (in Shaharit) a man walked in a little late and I guess he didn't have enough time to catch up to our Minyan. After Tefila, he asked the Gabbai if he could say his own Shemona Esre, ...
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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any source for the idea that the Baal Koreh represents Moshe Rabbainu?

I have heard that the Baal Koreh represents Moshe Rabbeinu like at matan torah. Does anybody have a source for that idea?
smu's user avatar
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Any good sources for Ashkenazi prayer modes and melodies for the whole year?

Anyone know of any good sources for Ashkenazi prayer modes and melodies for the whole year? I'm looking for traditional Ashkenazi nusach, but perhaps not embellished like concert chazzanut. A good ...
Mauro Braunstein's user avatar
7 votes
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Shliach Tzibbur and Tashlumim for missed tefillah

The M"B in Siman 108 Sif-Katan 4 brings that someone who missed a tefillah and is now the shliach tzibbur may use the chazaras ha'shatz for his tashlumim. (Makor in Radbaz Siman 361.) The Radbaz ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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May the prayer leader drink water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers?

I have seen the person leading the prayers taking a drink of water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers. Assuming he made a blessing (for the water, as usual before eating or drinking ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Adapting melodies from pop culture to liturgy

On JM in the AM, once, I heard a leading chazzan -- sorry I don't recall the name, but he was a leader in an organization for chazans -- make the argument that it is assur to adapt melodies from pop ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Can one switch chazzanim at non-traditional places in the service to accommodate a mourner who came late?

Can one switch chazzanim at non-traditional places in the service to accomodate a mourner who came late? For example, Reuven is asked to lead the prayers (say mincha). He says “Ashrei”, “Kaddish” and ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
13 votes
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Minhag of bothering the chazzan on Simchas Torah

I have seen the custom of bothering the chazzan during the musaf service on Simchas Torah. I have seen people tie the chazzan's gartel to a chair, or try to move the chazzan to a diffrent place. I ...
sam's user avatar
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Why does the congregation recite something different during the repetition of the hoda'ah -- but nowhere else?

During the repetition of the amidah, during the hoda'ah (modim) the congregation recites a different text while the shaliach tzibbur recites the text we all did during the silent amidah. (1) Why do ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Shliach Tzibbur that says "HaKel HaKodesh" instead of "HaMelech"

What should be done in a case where the shliach tzibbur when davening chazaras ha'shatz makes a mistake and instead of saying "HaMelech HaKodesh" during Eseres Yamei Teshuva he says "HaKel HaKodesh". ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Online resources for traditional Ashkenazi Rosh Hashana melodies?

I received a request for help this afternoon and it's already Shabbat in the requester's time zone, so I'm asking on her behalf. A small community has just lost their Rosh Hashana sh'liach tzibbur ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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What is the benefit to praying with a Minyan?

What is the benefit(s) of Praying with a Minyan? Besides for all the additional things you can now do with a Minyan (Kaddish, Kriah etc). By prayer, I mean the Shmoneh Esreh. What is different in ...
RCW's user avatar
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Making mistakes in shemone esri

I would assume at some point, too many uncorrected mistakes during the shemone esri (not talking about the things that would make it avodah zara here) would make it invalid/useless as it simply loses ...
soandos's user avatar
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What is the reason for the lights lit on the desk of the prayer leader?

What is the reason for the candles or lights lit on the desk of the chazzan (prayer leader)? In a shul today I saw candles lit on a table at least 6 feet from the reader. Does that fulfill the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
6 votes
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What can a Gabbai do if no one wants to Daven from the Amud?

As a Gabbai Sheni I have noticed that often the Gabbai has a difficult time getting someone to daven from the Amud. Some Shuls have paid Chazonim, yet others can not afford that. What can a Gabbai do ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Should the Shliach Tzibur say end-verses quietly to himself before saying them out loud?

The Shliach Tzibur reads most prayers quietly until (about) the last verse, and then reads the last verse out loud (either for the congregation to follow along, or for them to answer Amen). Should the ...
zaq's user avatar
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Refusing to Daven from the Amud

According to Bruchos 34a, one should initially refuse to Daven for the Amud, so as to feel unworthy of the duty and to not look too eager to do it. The first time one is asked he should refuse, the ...
zaq's user avatar
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Why are different kaddishes said by different people?

The "Mourners' Kaddish" and the "Rabbis' Kaddish" are said by mourners: either all instances are said by all mourners in the synagogue simultaneously, or each mourner gets a turn at one kaddish, or ...
Daniel's user avatar
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"Oyoyoy" a hefsek? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Humming during shmoneh esre Is saying "oyoyoy" in places where you're not allowed to speak (e.g. Shemoneh Esreh) a hefsek (interruption)? Does it make a difference that it ...
b a's user avatar
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Splitting up Shacharis between two Chiyuvim

I have Davened in a few Shuls where they have split up Shacharis between two Chiyuvim. (One Davens until Ashrei after Tachanun / One davens from Ashrei until the end.) What is the source for doing so?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Does attending a regular shiur take precedence over leading the prayers on a Yahrzeit?

It is a widespread custom to lead the prayers (daven from the amud) on the anniversary of a parent’s death (yahrzeit). Suppose that if I do this for a service on the yahrzeit of a parent it will ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Davening Chazaras Hashatz after minyan

I have seen people daven chazaras hashatz after a minyan has just ended out loud,and they expect everyone to answer their kedusha and then they continue the rest of their shmoneh esri quietly. Is ...
sam's user avatar
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When may one do a Hechi Kedushah?

May a Chazzan decide on his own to do a Hechi Kedushah, or are there rules for when it is appropriate/mandated?
Seth J's user avatar
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Why do we still do chazarat hashatz?

This question assumes that the purpose of chazarat hashatz is to allow for those who were unable to say their own shmoneah esrei (assumedly due to Hebrew illiteracy) to fulfill their obligation to ...
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How can people who dress in "only" black lead tefillah, the Mishna warns us against those "machmir" about colors?

We learn in Mishnah Megillah 4:8 that if someone insists on wearing only one color when they pray we do not let them be the "shliach tzibor" (prayer leader). This is because we suspect he is involved ...
GODSSECRET's user avatar
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What if there's a Minyan of Aveilim?

It is my understanding that when one is in the year of mourning following the death of certain relatives, he is not allowed to lead ["daven from the amud"] certain prayers (such as those on Shabbos, ...
yydl's user avatar
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Can you learn during chazarat hashatz?

Are you allowed to learn Torah silently during the chazzan's repetition of Shmonah Esrei? (This is a case where you are davening with that minyan.)
mah-nishtana's user avatar
31 votes
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How can we get people to stop talking (much, loudly) during minyan?

I know that lots of minyanim have the talking problem; has anybody solved it? I daven with a weekday shacharit minyan that has a noise problem. A couple of people are the main sources of the problem ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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When there are four aveilim (mourners), Is it better to have one minyan of 40 people or 4 minyonim of ten each?

Today I was in a shul where there were four parallel mincha services because four mourners wanted to lead the services. I thought there was a principle of ברב עם הדרת מלך? What sources are there that ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Does one light candles by the Bima when not an Avel?

When someone is a chazzan during his mourning period, the Lubavitch custom is to light five candles. Does a Chazzan who is not a mourner light any candles? I have seen people turn on an "electric ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Are there any restrictions about a chazzan if there are questions about his orthodoxy?

If someone comes up to daven as a chazzan, and you have questions about how kosher they are or whether they're truly shomer shabbos, are you allowed to still use him as a chazzan, or are there ...
Barry Hammer's user avatar
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To say the 13 midos in "tachanun" weekday mincha, should the Sha"tz wear a tallis?

I asked the question "The Gemoro in Rosh Hashono 17b says that HKB”H put on a talis like a shaliach tzibbur and taught Moshe the 13 middos and said whenever Israel sins they should perform before Me ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Should the shaliach tzibbur wear a talis to say the 13 middos ?

The Gemoro in Rosh Hashono 17b says that HKB”H put on a talis like a shaliach tzibbur and taught Moshe the 13 middos and said whenever Israel sins they should perform before Me according to this ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Should the shaliach tzibbur check the tzitzis of a tallis given to him to daven?

Some shuls require the shaliach tzibbur to wear a tallis for mincha which is normally given to him from shul property. Is he required to check the tzitzis before wearing it? Do we say that it would be ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can the chazzan use the vernacular quietly?

When saying a private portion of the service, such as pesukei de-zimra, may the shaliach tzibur (aka chazzan, or the person leading services) use English, and switch to Hebrew for the portions said ...
yitznewton's user avatar
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Answering Baruch Hu UVaruch Shemo and Amen while learning

If someone is giving Shiur in the same room as people Davening, do the people learning answer Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo and Amen to the Hazarat HaShatz?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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Is it permitted to have a boy under barmitzvah age sing Anim Zemiros?

Is it permitted to have a boy under barmitzvah age sing the Shir Hakavod (or Anim Zemiros)? Why is it not like any other part of davenning where we use someone over barmitzvah?
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Israeli Chazzan outside of Israel says "tal umotor" at the right time for him but not us

We know that the shaliach tzibbur must follow the local custom even to the extent of his own silent Amidah . What should be done, then, when a resident of Israel who is acting as shaliach tzibbur ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
7 votes
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Why is Amen exclusive to the Chazzan during Tefillah?

Normally, if I hear my good friend Shimon say a bracha, I answer Amen. Nonetheless, if it's during davening, and I hear him finish a bracha, it appears to be common practice to not say Amen. In other ...
yydl's user avatar
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Why is Hashkiveinu different?

Normally, if me and my good friend Shimon complete (finish) a Bracha at the same time, I may not say Amen after his bracha. However, if I recall correctly, an exception to this is made by the bracha ...
yydl's user avatar
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Why dictate Birchas Kohanim, but not the Bracha before?

In Birchas Kohanim, the Chazzan says each word of the actual Birchas Kohanim and the Kohanim repeat after him. On the other hand, when it comes to the bracha that's said before Birchas Kohanim, the ...
yydl's user avatar
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Shochen Ad, HaKail, HaMelech - why?

Why does the Shaliach Tzibbur start Shacharis on Shabbos from Shochein Ad, on Yom Tov from HaKeil, and on Rosh HaShana/Yom Kippur from HaMelech?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
6 votes
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Chazzan wears talis slichos night?

Why does the chazzan for slichot a week before rosh hashana wear a talis? Isn't it clearly night time?
wizlog's user avatar
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