Questions tagged [bein-adam-lachavero]

Anything and everything related to Judaism's approach to dealing with other human beings.

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2 votes
1 answer

Ritual lapses of the Jews mentioned in the rebuke of the prophets? And why primarily focus on justice and lovingkindness and not rituals?

Do the prophets ever rebuke the Jews for not being "observant" of all the "Bain Adam Lamakom" laws or any failings in these areas other than Avodah Zarah? I think Jeremiah does ...
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Having someone recite a hesped for someone they didn’t know

Is there anything problematic in Halacha with having somebody recite a hesped for somebody else if they didn’t know each other? Or is there nothing wrong with it? Does it make a difference if the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is it permissible to trespass without damaging someone’s property

According to Halacha, is it permissible to go and trespass on someone else’s property if one doesn’t damage their property? For example, If one is on a trip to work and they can do a shortcut through ...
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2 answers

Definition and origin of the division between interpersonal and God-related Mitzvot

"...for transgressions between a person and God, Yom Kippur atones; however, for transgressions between a person and another, Yom Kippur does not atone until he appeases the other person." ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there any Halacha that says you should notify the person on the phone he’s on speaker?

BH Is there a Halacha that says a person should notify the person who he’s talking on the phone with that he’s on speaker so the other will know?
1 vote
1 answer

Mesirah for serious crimes and abuses

I’m curious whether Halacha permits certain leniences for Mesirah for serious crimes based on pikuach nefesh or related similar reasoning. For example, cases of sexual abuse of minors, battery etc. ...
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1 answer

Do all mitzvot Ben Adam lechavero apply to bnei noach

When it comes to noahide Halacha, there aren’t necessarily “7” mitzvot, but rather categories of commandments. My question is, do all mitzvot which are “Ben Adam lechavero” count under the category of ...
12 votes
4 answers

How does Hillel's answer summarize the whole Torah?

In Shabbos 31a, Hillel addresses a potential convert who asks him to summarize the whole Torah, and he says, "What is hateful to you, do not do to others." This is a nice d'var Torah, but it seems to ...
5 votes
1 answer

Putting parents with mental issues in nursing homes

Halachically speaking, one is obligated to honor parents. My question is, if a parent happens to have a serious mental health defect (such as say Alzheimer’s syndrome), is it permissible to put them ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a Kiddush Hashem to be kind to a gentile?

I always thought that it was a Kiddush Hashem to be nice to non-Jews because it would reveal that Jews are kind, and that Klal Yisrael is full of wonderful people. But does it halachically count as a ...
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0 answers

Does Onaas Devarim apply to non-Jews?

I know that it is a serious aveirah to hurt a Jew's feelings. But is it an aveirah to hurt a non-Jew's feelings as well?
2 votes
1 answer

How our thoughts influence others -- seeking source from Lekutei Maharan

I once came across a quote from Likutei Maharan (or maybe the back section, Likutei Tanina) that spelled out very clearly that, when we have positive thoughts towards other people, no matter how far ...
4 votes
4 answers

Are you allowed to lie in order to prevent embarrassing yourself

Is it mutar to lie if telling the truth will embarrass yourself? For example, if Reuven asks Shimon if he went to minyan, and Reuven says yes because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself and give a ...
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2 answers

"Eliyahu will return the hearts of fathers to the sons, etc." -- seeking elaboration on this verse

Regarding the passukim at the end of Malachi: "Hinei anochi sholeich lachem es Eliyah hanavi ... v'heishiv lev avos al banim, v'lev banim al avosam." "Behold I shall send to you Eliyah ...
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1 answer

Is it really a Mitzvah to greet a fellow Jew?

I would think that it would be good middot to be a mentsch and ask a fellow Jew "hello, how are you?", but is there really any Mitzvah to it? Or does it count as a Chesed?
0 votes
1 answer

Is it loshon hora to speak badly about someone even though the listener already knows?

I've heard that if something is publicly known that it is not considered loshon hora? Is it true that it wouldn't be loshon hora if Reuven tells Shimon that Levi is very fat, even though Shimon ...
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2 answers

Mitzvos bein adam l'chavero vs. mitzvos bein adam l'makom

I'm wondering if there are any early sources that discuss the relative importance of mitzvos bein adam l'chavero and mitzvos bein adam l'makom. Eg, if one is in a position to only do one or the other, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does Onaat Devarim apply to yourself?

If it's an Aveirah to hurt a fellow Jew's feelings, is it likewise an Aveirah to hurt your own feelings? (e.g. via self-deprecation?)
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Is it a Mitzvah to tell a fellow Jew “have a wonderful day”?

Is it considered a Mitzvah/Chesed to tell a fellow Jew to have a great day? It sounds like a simple thing, but I thought it would be included under Viohavta Lireiacha Kamocha, no?
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1 answer

Maintaining A Convert's Privacy

Bava Metzia 58b one is not allowed to remind a convert that they converted. However, they are given the name "Ben Avraham Avinu/bat Sarah Immenu" which makes them stand out and is a constant ...
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0 answers

Is it really against the Torah to speak Loshon Hora about yourself? [duplicate]

Is it true that it is an aveirah to speak badly about yourself to someone else?
6 votes
1 answer

Source for "Ben Adam Lemakom" and "Ben Adam Lechavero"

Where does the concept of Ben Adam Lemakom and Ben Adam Lechavero come from? I know there is a concept of the first five of the ten commandments being between 'man and his friend' and the second ...
5 votes
6 answers

Halachot of לֵיצָנוּת: cynicism, scoffing and mockery

I know from general knowledge that לֵיצָנוּת is forbidden. It is generally translated as being cynical, scoffing or mocking. I have also seen discussion in various mussar and hashkafic works but I ...
1 vote
1 answer

If one wishes to take on chumrot, or segulot, or mystical practices, to what extent is one allowed to negatively impact others to do so?

I have two examples. This starts with an answer from a recent question I asked, where it was mentioned that the Rosh was careful to wash last so that he shouldn't avoid talking or waiting between ...
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1 answer

Not Your Business, Not Lashon Hara

If you overhear someone talking about you, “he just got into a car accident, or “his wife just got into a car accident,” and it’s not technically lashon hara since it’s not technically negative. Yet, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Source for dividing the ten commandments into Ben Adam Lamakom and Ben Adam Lechavero

This is something that I have heard and been taught many times, but I can't find it sourced anywhere. I do see this concept quoted often in various articles (via Google searches). The question on this ...
3 votes
4 answers

Is there a source that says that anyone who embarrases or hurts someone verbally loses their mitzvos?

Is there a source that says that anyone who embarrases or hurts someone verbally loses their mitzvos to the person they hurt, as well as taking the aveiros of the person they hurt? Always heard this, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Limitations to being dan l'kaf zechut

Are there any sources (if any) for there being limitations to being dan lkaf zechut? When is one required to do so, and when is one exempt?
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2 answers

"Evil" thinking vs. lashon hara

If a person's explicit verbiage about someone else is benign on the surface, but has an unexpressed and somewhat nasty thinking behind it, is this considered lashon hara? Are there any guidelines or ...
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1 answer

Spitting in the eye - Insult or Resolution?

I apologise if this question is a non-starter but I noticed the following scenario in a couple of sources I came across, and I was intrigued if there was anything more to it. The two sources which I ...
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Insulting Someone

Would any sources indicate that, if one gave you the permission to verbally insult them because it “makes them happy”, it would be halachically allowed?
2 votes
2 answers

Is T'zaar Ba'alei Chaim a Mitzvah Bein Adam L'makom, L'chaveiro, or L'atzmo?

Building upon the concept that Mitzvos can be between a person and Hashem, or a person and their friend (Source for "Ben Adam Lemakom" and "Ben Adam Lechavero"), where would T'zaar ...
8 votes
2 answers

Don't disparage the entirety of another person

Me'am Loez on Pirkei Avos 4:3 quotes a Sefer called Divrei Yechezkel to explain the words אל תהי בז לכל אדם as meaning "Don't disparage the entirety of a human being." Even if you see ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do Hillel & R Akiva contradict Mamrim 3 & Y"D 158:2?

How do you reconcile Hillel (1) and Rabi Akiva (2) with the Mishnah Torah (3) and Shulchan Aruch (4)? "What is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbor. That is the whole Torah, all the rest is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is Shemittah a mitzvah bein odom laMokom or bein odom lechaveiro?

The Ksav Sofer says about the owner making his produce ownerless in the 7th year, ואם אז יפקיר הכל שיהי׳ העני שוה לו ליטול כל מה שירצה אין לו ואהבה לרעך יותר מזה If a person makes his ...
16 votes
5 answers

Rabbi Akiva's students died because lack of respect, but he said Veahavta Lireacha Kamocha is Klal Gadol?

שנים עשר אלף זוגים תלמידים היו לו לרבי עקיבא ... וכולן מתו ... מפני שלא נהגו כבוד זה לזה Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of students ... and they all died... because they did not treat each ...
36 votes
6 answers

Does Judaism consider women inferior?

According to Orthodox Judaism, women may not be rabbis, be counted as part of a minyan, leyn from the Torah, or study the Talmud. It even says that to teach a woman Torah is to teach her obscenity! (...
6 votes
1 answer

Must you love your wife more than your friend?

The Rambam (Hilchus Ishus 15:19) writes: כן צוו חכמים שיהיה אדם מכבד את אשתו יתר מגופו ואוהבה כגופו The Chachamim instituted that [each] man should respect his wife more than himself, and love her ...
4 votes
1 answer

Source for ויראת מאלקיך because of loss of money

HaKesav VeHaKabbalah (Deuteronomy 10:12) writes: והנה מצאנו בחמשה מקומות שדברה תורה ממצות שבין אדם לחברו שסיימה בהם ויראת מאלהיך, כמו אל תקלל חרש ויראת מאלהיך, מפני שיבה תקום ויראת מאלהיך, ולא תונו ...
4 votes
1 answer

Does the King have to ask for forgiveness?

If the King of Israel sins against another Jew, (e.g cursing, speaking badly, etc.) is he obligated to ask for forgiveness?
4 votes
3 answers

Is P'ru Ur'vu a Mitzvah Bein Adom l'Chaveiro?

פרו ורבו (Being fruitful and multiplying) is generally understood to be the Mitzvah of having children, or attempting to have children. Are there any sources to indicate if פרו ורבו is considered a ...
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0 answers

Are Hillel and R. Akiva saying the same thing?

Shabbat 31a: אמר לו דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד זו היא כל התורה כולה ואידך פירושה הוא זיל גמור [Hillel] said to him: "That which is hateful to you do not do to another; that is the entire Torah, ...
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2 answers

Do we stand up for a man or the Torah he learned?

The halacha (SA YD 244:1) is that one should stand up out of respect for a talmid chacham. I remember hearing a comment (possibly in the name of the Brisker Rov) that one is really standing up for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Lashon Hora to get something off one's chest'? [duplicate]

Is there an issue of Lashon Hora to tell someone about a difficult situation that one is experiencing with another person if your purpose is to vent and get 'something off one's chest'? Similarly, may ...
4 votes
1 answer

Keeping your own community's dinim vs. yuhara

My chosen community--like every community, I suppose--has its own body of distinctive minhagim, horaos, chumras, hiddurim, and normative halachas. All, including the hiddurim, are observed with a high ...
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3 answers

Is treating others decently more important than keeping Shabbos?

Two questions: According to Jewish philosophy which is more important in Judaism, keeping Shabbos, or treating others decently? According to Jewish practical law, which is more important?
4 votes
1 answer

Can one publicize a poor experience with a service provider to discourage others from using him?

Trigger situation for this question: someone asked for a doctor recommendation on a WhatsApp group with 200+ members. When a particular doctor was mentioned, one of the members wrote he had a bad ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to respond to an insincere apology

If someone apologizes to you for wronging you, but you either suspect or believe that their apology is insincere, what should/must/may you do in response? Some subquestions: Is saying you forgive ...
15 votes
4 answers

Marital Prenups

In 1993 Rabbi Mordechai Willig, a Rosh Yeshiva at YU and a member of the Beth Din of America, drafted a prenup for use at Jewish weddings to avoid future Aguna/Mesorevet Get problems. The agreement ...
12 votes
3 answers

embarassing an anonymous person online

There is a prohibition to embarass other people (Sanhedrin 99a). Does this apply also to anonymous online people despite that nobody knows their identity and therefore they should not feel embarassed ...