Crown Heights, Brooklyn is now home to a controversial new eiruv.* I am aware that the majority of Lubavitchers do not accept it for both Chasidic and Halachic reasons. I am also under the impression that members of most other ultra-Orthodox groups hold that an eiruv cannot be built in Brooklyn and thus will not use this eiruv.

However, where do people in the middle stand? I know labels are variable and somewhat arbitrary, but I'd still like to know whether people who consider themselves, say, left-wing Chareidi, mainstream or modern Yeshivish, Modern Orthodox machmir, heimish, or broadly shomer mitzvos (I'm treating these groups as separate, although they often overlap) accept this eiruv. Also, are there any "ultra-Orthodox" groups who do accept the eiruv, or modern ones who don't? (I am interested in the case of the Crown Heights eiruv, but also Brooklyn eruvim more generally.)

* "The Eruv is under the auspices of Congregation Kol Israel of Prospect Heights and their Rav, Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz,who has established the nearby eiruvim of Prospect Heights and Brower Park [sic]." --here

Related Why is the Boro Park eiruv controversial?

  • I'm somehat confused. You stated that they have a controversial Eruv. That implies that some Jewish group finds it permissible, right? Otherwise, there's no controversy! Is the group that allows it basing it on legit. sources? If so, what's the problem? Either way, if that group that permits it has been identified, can you contact the leading rav or someone in charge to get more info? Also, Boro Park is somewhat unique as they have multiple Chassidic groups, so you get a much wider variety of opinions than you would in Crown Heights.
    – DanF
    Jul 14, 2016 at 2:40
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    I feel that the same problem may be found with 1000 things. Each problem need to be treated alone. You say that Chabad are not agreing to the Eruv. Hilchot Eruvin is very complex and as for many topics there are Machloktot between poskim. I assume that Chabbad follow 1 posek, each group has its Rav. or you can decide to decide alone what is the din or you can choose your Rav
    – kouty
    Jul 14, 2016 at 4:41
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    @DanF I have not gotten a psak. To the extent that I'm "shopping" for rabbis, I'm doing so because I'm a single woman without a family minhag. Up to a certain point such "shopping" is allowed, I think. I have taken your suggestion and eliminated the motive from my question.
    – SAH
    Jul 14, 2016 at 8:13
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    The question is better. I think that the "kuntress" would offer the best insight as to what the rebbe was thinking. Have to view it later. My hunch. FWIW, it looks like a difference of opinions of which there may be a halachic leniency working to permit the Eruv. The laws of Eruv are so complex, that my shul rav, who is partially responsible for the Eruv in mycommunity, has trouble understanding some halachic nuances. He therefore, follows the strictest opinions and allows the Eruv in most but not all areas in our community (even though it extends to other areas.)
    – DanF
    Jul 14, 2016 at 14:35
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    If you're trying to gain some sense of what you, personally may want to do, see crownheights.info/communal-matters/537360/… . IMO, this sounds suspicious. It sounds like Rabbi Schwartz is passing the blame or avoiding answering a question, directly. It sounds like he's trying to protect his own job in some way. My hunch, based on what I'm reading. If this is a "shtick", I'm unimpressed. I may be misinterpreting some things about Rabbi Schwartz's actions, though.
    – DanF
    Jul 14, 2016 at 18:34


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